Aena VIP Services


Aena, manager of the Spanish airport network and its commercial activity, makes available to its users through its website and app the contracting of the following services VIP Services

  • Access to airport VIP Lounges.
  • Fast Lane: access to the security checkpoint through the fast lane.
  • Fast Track: access to the security checkpoint through an exclusive screening system.
  • Meet & Assist: Welcome and escort service on departure, arrival or transit, during your stay at the airport.


Aena, S.M.E., S.A. (hereinafter Aena), registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid, Volume 28,806, Folio 211, Section 8, Page M-518648, has its own legal personality separate from that of the State, full legal capacity and authority to act for the fulfilment of its purposes, as well as its own assets.

Aena contact details:

  • Address: C/ Peonías, 12, 28042, Madrid.
  • VAT NUMBER: A86212420
  • Telephone: 902 404 704
  • Email address:


These General Terms and Conditions regulate the contract for the purchase of VIP Services that Aena, as owner of the service, makes available to users.

In order to contract any VIP Service online, you must accept these Terms and Conditions as well as the Rules of Use of the Service you wish to contract. To do so, you must follow the steps indicated on the website and in the app. Acceptance of these Contracting Terms and Conditions and of the Rules of Use of the Services to be contracted is as valid as signing a contract. Please note that in order to make a purchase you must be of legal age (≥ eighteen (18) years) and have sufficient capacity to purchase the service, as well as the obligations arising from your purchase, you must also have previously read this document and understand its contents.

Simply browsing the Aena website or mobile app does not imply that you accept these Contracting Terms and Conditions. You accept this document with your consent when you check the box "I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions", and you can accept it at various points in the process depending on whether you are buying as a registered user or as a guest.


These Terms and Conditions are at your disposal on the website Aena reserves the right to modify them, so we recommend that each time you contract a VIP Service with us you access the document to read its contents, as well as before accepting them.

All the VIP Services that we market are perfectly described on the website, not including those services that are not expressly indicated therein.

Appropriate and sufficient technical means will be introduced to identify and correct possible technical errors detected in the processing of information.

You will be able to process the engagement procedure in the language of your choice from those contemplated on the website, and this agreement will be formalised in the language you have chosen.


Each VIP Service has its own Rules of Use, which the user must read and accep at the time of purchase of the corresponding VIP Service.

In case of any discrepancy between these General Contracting Terms and Conditions and the particular Rules of Use of a specific service, the provisions of the Rules of Use shall prevail.


Users can have access to the online purchase of all the VIP Services provided by Aena at the airports, after paying through our website or the Aena mobile app.

The current price to be applied to each VIP Service is the official price approved by Aena for each airport and year. These prices can be consulted on the aena website:

The user may make the online purchase as a registered user or as a guest. If he/she chooses to register, he/she will do so as a member of Aena Club, enjoying all the benefits and promotions implied, and if the purchase is made as a guest, he/she must provide the key data (name, surname, e-mail, telephone and prefix) requested by the system to be able to use the Vip service requested, without which he/she will not be able to progress in the purchase process.

Once a purchase has been made the system will send the purchaser a purchase-confirmation email containing the sale ID, QR Code and a file for downloading the e-ticket with the QR code onto the purchaser’s mobile. It also includes Aena’s contact details for any additional information required about the purchased VIP service.

The identification number (ID code), or QR Code, must be provided to the relevant VIP Service staff whenever you wish to use the Service acquired in that purchase. This code is required for confirming and guaranteeing purchase of the service, which cannot be changed.

The user will be able to make use of the VIP Service purchased from the moment it is purchased; being its period of validity:

  • VIP Lounges: six (6) months from the date of purchase.
  • Fast Lane / Fast Track: seven (7) days from the date of purchase.
  • Meet&Assist: Users must show up at the meeting point on the agreed date and time and introduce themselves to our Meet & Assist staff. If they have not arrived at the meeting point within 15 minutes of the time agreed upon, and have not previously advised of this delay, the passenger will lose access to this service and will not receive a refund.

The use of a VIP Service charged to a sales ID code is not nominative, so please be careful when managing them. Clients are likewise advised that any re-sale of the service is strictly prohibited, for which reason Aena shall not be responsible or liable for any possible fraudulent use of the codes.

Users may acquire access to use any of the VIP Services that Aena manages and which are available.

In the case of access to VIP lounges, in airports where there are several lounges, we advise you to check beforehand the terminal through which the company you are flying with operates, as you will only be able to access with a boarding card for flights from that terminal.

If the Meet & Assist service is contracted, the airport will contact the customer to arrange the date and time of the service and the meeting point at the airport, depending on the terminal and the departure or arrival flight. In the booking process, the terminal of the airport where the service is requested to be provided and the relevant arrival or departure flight(s) shall be indicated so that the accompaniment service can be duly scheduled and provided. The user can check this information in advance with the airline company or on the website

The user must show up at the meeting point at the agreed time and introduce themselves to the Meet & Assist staff. If they have not arrived at the meeting point within 15 minutes of the agreed time, and have not previously advised of this delay, the passenger will lose access to this service and will not receive a refund. In the event of a change in the time of the service due to a delay in the scheduled flight time, users must give at least 1 hour's notice.

To use the VIP lounge in the Meet & Assist service, the Rules of Use of Aena VIP Lounges available in the lounge or on the website will apply

The use of the Meet & Assist service does not exempt the passengers from their obligation of going to the security checkpoints ahead of time for the departure of their relevant flights regulated by their relevant transport contracts.

The Fast Lane / Fast Track service is subject to the Rules of Use for fast lane access available in the lounge or on the website

During the process of access to the checkpoints, we ask you to follow the instructions of the security personnel and to hand personal belongings required by the said personnel or by the National Security Forces so that they can be scanned, where applicable.

Under no circumstances does use of this service for priority access to checkpoints exempt users from the requirement for complying with security regulations, which apply equally at all the airport's checkpoints.

In order to make use of any VIP service, you must go through the usual airport security controls for passengers, as all VIP services are located in a security restricted area.

Before using the VIP Service, you must show the sales ID code together with one boarding pass per person. You must keep this code throughout your stay at the airport and remain attentive to the boarding information screens, as Aena cannot be held responsible for missed flights due to failure to pay attention to information screens.

In the case of VIP lounge access, Aena reserves the right of admission for reasons of occupancy, without losing the right to use access at any time within the timetable of the lounges until it expires (six months from the date of purchase). For access of children under 11 years of age, Aena may request from the passenger an official document showing the age of the child. Access fees are set on a per person basis.

Withdrawal of purchases. - Users will have a maximum of 14 calendar days to withdraw the purchase, as long as you have not enjoyed the service. We will process refunds for withdrawals from purchases using the same payment methods as the ones used by clients for their original transaction.

The right to withdraw the purchase may be exercised by means of an certified letter (e.g. a letter sent by post, fax or e-mail), giving you the option of using the withdrawal form (1) below, although using this form is not compulsory. For the purposes of complying with the right-of-withdrawal period, clients only need to communicate their exercise of this right before the corresponding period expires.

(1) Model withdrawal form

(This form only needs to be filled in and sent if the client wishes to withdraw from the purchase agreement)

For the attention of

Please be informed that I hereby withdraw from the purchase of the VIP Service (VIP Lounge access/Fast Track and Fast Lane/ Meet&Assit) corresponding to the following details:

  • Locator ID
  • User's name
  • User's address
  • User's signature (only if this form is submitted on paper)
  • Date

6. use of aena's website and VIP SERVICES

When accessing the Aena website for information or to purchase any of the VIP Services, users are responsible for the proper use and navigation of the website, committing themselves to use both the website and the VIP Services offered therein for legitimate and lawful purposes. By way of example, but not limitation, the following are prohibited:

  • (i) Using the Website and the Services for unlawful purposes;
  • (ii) Using the Website for the purpose of causing damage, inefficiencies, interruptions or similar defects in the operability of the Platform or the VIP Services of Aena or any third party.
  • (iii) Using the website to transmit malware, viruses or similar programmes or to post or disseminate content of an offensive, racist, denigrating or pornographic nature that could cause discomfort to persons;
  • (iv) Using the Website to the detriment of Aena's interests;
  • (v) Using the Website or Registering on the Aena app with a fake identity;
  • (vi) Using the Website for advertising purposes, such as sending spam or in other similar ways;
  • (vii) Breaching the security measures established by Aena;
  • (viii) Carrying out actions that tend to saturate the programme, thus impairing the proper operating of the Website; and in any case.
  • (ix) Using the Website in an unlawful manner.

Should any of the cases listed above arise, Aena, as owner of the website and VIP Services, reserves the right to adopt the measures it deems appropriate.


Aena, as owner of the Trademark as well as the website and the mobile app, grants Users a limited, non-transferable, revocable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive licence to access and use the website and the app on the User's personal device. Any rights not expressly granted are reserved by Aena as owner.

The User or any third party shall be restricted from carrying out the following actions:

  • (i) reproduce, modify, prepare derivative works, distribute, license or exploit in any way the website or the VIP Services offered therein, when this is not expressly permitted by Aena;
  • (ii) decompile or reverse engineer the website;
  • (iii) link to, mirror or frame any part of the Services;
  • (iv) deploy or launch any kind of programme to carry out any action regarding data mining or actions aimed at damaging the operability and operation of the website; or
  • (v) remove, modify or any similar action aimed at altering Aena's copyright on its trademark, website or its VIP Services.

In any case, the intellectual and industrial property rights over the VIP Services, as well as the website and app, shall remain the property of Aena. Neither the use thereof, nor the purchase of the VIP Services implies the transfer or granting of any rights:

  • (i) in connection with the Services, other than the licence referred to above; or
  • (ii) to use or mention in any way company names, logos, product and service names, trademarks or other elements of a similar nature, except in cases in which Aena expressly grants them.


When you make a purchase, the system will provide you with an identification number (ID code), which you must provide to the staff in charge of the corresponding VIP Service, whenever you wish to use the Service purchased in that purchase. Please note that in the event that you wish to request an invoice for your purchase, you must request it during the purchase process, and the system will ask you for a contact email address so that we can send you the requested invoice within approximately 24 hours.


In accordance with the provisions of article 23 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), contracts entered into electronically shall produce all the effects provided for by the legal system, when consent and the other requirements necessary for their validity are met.

In any case, the electronic medium containing these Contracting Terms and Conditions concluded by electronic means shall be admissible as documentary evidence in the event of a dispute between the parties.

For these purposes, it shall be understood that the completion of all the phases of the purchasing process and, if applicable, the payment of the corresponding amount, necessarily imply the provision of the consent required for the engagement.

Similarly, and in accordance with the provisions of article 27 of the LSSI, this document makes available to users permanently, easily and free of charge, all the information relating to contracting, which will only be applicable in the event that the user decides to purchase any of the VIP Services through the website or the app.


We provide you with a Customer Service Department to deal with all queries, complaints and suggestions in relation to the online contracting of VIP Services.

The contact details available to Users are as follows, as well as the contact number (+34) 91 321 10 00 where we will answer you as soon as possible.


Users are responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the personal data provided and authorise the collection and processing of such data for this purpose. In the event of any changes in your data, we request that you let us know in order to keep them up-to-date.

Aena makes every effort to avoid any errors in the contents that may appear on this website and in the app. We cannot guarantee the accuracy and up-to-dateness of the information that can be obtained therein, which may be modified without prior notice.

Aena does not assume any liability arising from the use by third parties of the content of this site, making its best efforts to ensure that the VIP Services access purchase service does not undergo interruptions, but cannot guarantee the absence of technological failures, nor the permanent availability of the Portal and the services contained therein and, consequently, assumes no liability for any damages that may be generated by the lack of availability and access failures caused by disconnections, breakdowns, overloads or network failures not attributable to Aena.

Aena does not guarantee the absence of viruses or any other elements that may alter your computer system. Aena excludes any liability for damages of any nature arising from such viruses or harmful elements.

Aena is not liable for subscriptions completed by children under 18 years old, or for the damage caused to third parties, or the minor themselves, for violating the applicable legislation or these General Terms and Conditions of the service. We recommend that parental control mechanisms be activated on devices used by children under 18 years old.


All communications made between Aena and users via; SMS; push notifications; e-mail; telephone; Aena customer service centre and/or letter will be valid.


The acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions implies the knowledge and approval of the legal warnings expressed here and, in particular, that any conflicts related to this website will be governed exclusively by Spanish law, of which only the Spanish Courts and Tribunals have relevant authority.

Last updated: 20/04/2023