Términos y condiciones Aena Club - Aena VIP Services

Aena Club terms and conditions

Aena Club terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

1. Purpose

The purpose of these general terms and conditions is to regulate the general conditions of the service offered by Aena S.M.E., S.A. called Aena Club. In the event of a discrepancy between the provisions set forth in the general terms and conditions and those set forth in the specific conditions of a particular service, the provisions in the latter shall take precedence.

2. Scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions regulate the service contract of the Aena Club that the State Commercial Company, Aena S.M.E., S.A. (hereinafter Aena) as the holder of the service makes available to users who register as members or partners of the Club.

Aena has independent legal status, distinct from that of the State, full legal capacity and capacity to act for the fulfilment of its purposes, and its own property. Aena S.M.E, S.A. is listed in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, Volume 28,806, Folio 211, Section 8, Sheet M-518648.

Aena contact details:

Address: Peonías, 12. 28042, Madrid.

C.I.F: A86212420

Telephone: (+34) 91 321 10 00

Email address: webpublica@aena.es

3. Subscription to the Aena Club service

Aena Club is a service that offers those who register as members of the club access to discounts, promotions, offers, news, perks and, in general, preferential treatment, as well as keeping you informed of all of the above.

The main and inherent purpose of Aena Club is to send you communications regarding such discounts, promotions, offers and perks of Aena’s own services. However, you can request the unsuscription of these commercial communications. In such case, you will not be able to receive accurate and up-to-date information related to the aforementioned perks at any time, and related to the condition of membership.

The user who wishes to subscribe as a member or partner of Aena Club must read and accept these General Terms and Conditions.

Subscription to the service is completed by filling out the Aena Club membership form and specifically accepting these conditions. The member shall be entitled to the benefits and services of the club, provided that he/she identifies himself/herself as a member through the identification mechanisms provided by Aena. Likewise, Aena Club service will be provided each time the member registers as such with any of our services.

The user guarantees the authenticity and verification of all the data they provide when filling in the subscription form. The user undertakes and is responsible for maintaining all the information provided such that it responds, at any time, to their true situation. Members or partners are able to modify their data through their member registration area.

If, following registration, the user is provided with a password or membership number, the user undertakes to make diligent use and to keep secret the password and/or membership number for accessing these services. Consequently, users are responsible for the proper safekeeping and confidentiality of any user names and/or passwords supplied to them by Aena, and undertake not to transfer their use to third parties, whether temporary or permanent, or to allow access to outside users. The user shall be responsible for the unlawful use of the services by any illegitimate third party who uses a password for this purpose, due to the user’s negligent use or loss thereof.

4. Club loyalty programmes

In order to improve the service as a member or partner of Aena Club, you can request to connect with other clubs. The member may connect or disconnect their membership of the Club.

5. Aena Club member obligations

The member or partner of Aena Club commits themselves to the following conditions:

  1. To respect the General Terms and Conditions of Service of Aena Club contained in this contract.
  2. To be identified as a member or by means of a certifying document, if personal identification is necessary.
  3. Immediately notify Aena of the robbery, theft or loss of any codes, passwords or membership numbers provided.
  4. Immediately notify Aena of the modification of an e-mail address by communicating it through the mailbox clubcliente@aena.es

Aena commits to:

  1. Cancel codes, passwords or cards, at the request of the holder, upon notification of robbery, theft and/or loss, and replace them in accordance with established procedures.
  2. Keep personal data provided as a member in subscribing to the service confidential.
  3. Assist the member in any incident, suggestion or complaint through the customer service telephone (+34) 91 321 10 00 or at the e-mail address: clubcliente@aena.es.

6. Conditions of services associated to Aena Club

Aena offers the possibility to download the mobile application (APP) on the device to proceed with the registration and management of the service.

In the event that you have enabled location services (in the settings of your device), Aena will collect information about Wifi access points or information related to your latitude and longitude, with the purpose of showing us your location so that we can provide our services.

a) Regarding Mobile Payments, we inform you that Aena will store the last four digits of your credit card to identify the card used to pay for the contracted service.

In the event of using the Parking Service, your car's registration number will be stored in order to establish the period of time during which you have used the parking services and to be able to check in.

If you pay for access to one of the VIP Lounges managed by Aena via your mobile device, your ID will be collected for identification purposes.

In the event that the member links the payment made through our mobile application to his/her “Aena Club” membership, we inform you that Aena will process the information collected to create a commercial profile as a member of the “Aena Club”, the distribution of the customers that are part of the Club, the sending of personalised commercial offers, as well as the improvement of your experience as a user of our mobile application.

b) b) Vehicle Registration Payment is a new system for managing and paying for stays in car parks offered by Aena, a service for which the vehicle registration and credit card details provided by the user in their Aena Club profile will be processed.

Airports that will have this system available in their car parks will be Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas and Barcelona El-Prat; in the future, it will be available at the remaining airports. You can sign up for the Vehicle Registration Payment service from your user profile, using the official Aena website and/or apps, and manage your data from these.

The Vehicle Registration Payment service consists of reading and identifying the vehicle’s registration plate at the entrance and exit of the car park, so it will not be necessary to issue a ticket for entry and exit. Once the car park is accessed, the reader will identify the registered vehicle registration that will be linked to the user through the activated Vehicle Registration Payment service. This will automatically open the barrier and allow you to enter and park your vehicle. This service is only suitable for cars, therefore motorcycles are excluded from using the Vehicle Registration Payment service due to the complexity of reading their registration plates.

In order to use the Vehicle Registration Payment service, each user will need to enter data regarding the vehicle and payment method on your profile. At least one registration number must be entered per card and a maximum of up to three plates may be entered. You may use the same card for different vehicle registration plates, but it will not be possible to use different cards for the same vehicle registration.

On the other hand, in the event that the same vehicle is used by different users, the entire stay in the car park, including payment, will be linked to the profile that signed up to the Vehicle Registration Payment service for that vehicle, that is to say, the vehicle registration can only be linked to a single user.

It will be necessary to register the Vehicle Registration Payment service prior to accessing the car park, as activation is not valid following entry into the car park.

At the exit of the car park, the user will not have to take any further action, as the barrier will identify the vehicle associated to the Vehicle Registration Payment and will allow a ticketless exit from the car park. At this point, the total amount will be charged to the chosen card corresponding to the length of your stay.

If the total amount of the stay is less than €100 (final price with discount applied, if applicable), you can go directly to the exit, opening the barrier as you go. On the other hand, if the total amount of the stay is greater than €100 (final price with discount applied, if applicable), the user must go through a manual cashier in order to complete the payment.

Once the payment has been processed, the status of the service will be changed to “paid”, however, if there is an error with the card, the status of the service will be changed to “outstanding”. The user must replace the card with a valid one and retry the payment, or go to a manual cashier in order to finalise the payment.

The applicable fees for the Vehicle Registration Payment will be those in force at each airport. In the case of parking by reservation. To find out the rates of the different Network Airports, visit our website or consult our Parking Offices.

c) MarketPlace, is a service through which Aena offers different products and services from third-party companies, acting as an intermediary between the platform operators and you.

If you are a member of Aena Club, you will be able to access the platform with your membership data without needing to register.

To correctly manage the service and/or product purchased, Aena may transfer your data to the MarketPlace operators.

Furthermore, with your explicit consent, Aena may send you commercial communications about its own and third-party products and services based on your tastes and preferences.

c) Biometría Aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas is an Aena pilot project in collaboration with Iberia L.A.E., S.A. OPERADORA, Sociedad Unipersonal (Iberia), created with the aim of facilitating the movement of passengers through the airport, speeding up their security experience and carrying out biometric identification through facial images on boarding for flights to Oviedo and Brussels with the company Iberia.

In the event that you, as a member of Aena Club, access this service through our App, your previously-recorded data will be used to pre-fill the data collection form and, where appropriate, such data shall be updated through the outcome of this process.

Furthermore, if you are a member of Aena Club, you register via our App and are logged in, you will then be sent a welcome email with the result of the registration process.

7. Cancellation as a member of the club

In the event of a breach of any of the expected obligations or conditions in the applicable legislation, or in the general terms and conditions of this Agreement, Aena may terminate your membership as a member or partner of the club and cancel your subscription.

The member themselves can unsubscribe from the club from their profile page on the Aena Club web portal, in the "My data” section.

Aena reserves the right to automatically cancel the subscription of any member if fraudulent or speculative acts or acts in bad faith are detected.

Cancellation and termination of membership will result in the loss of all rights relating to your use and benefits as a member of the club. Aena reserves the right to cancel the Aena Club service at any time.

8. Service restriction

Aena reserves the right to refuse, at its discretion and at any time and without notice, access as a member of Aena Club, in the event of violation of these Terms and Conditions and applicable legislation.

9. Exclusion of Liability

Through using this service, you as a user:

  • Are responsible for the verification and accuracy of the personal data you provide and authorise the collection and processing of this data for this purpose. In the event of any changes in your data, we request that you let us know in order to keep them up-to-date.

Likewise, Aena:

  • makes every effort to avoid any errors in the contents that may appear on this website.
  • does not guarantee the accuracy or updating of the information that can be obtained from this website, which may be modified without notice.
  • does not assume any liability arising from third party use of the content of this website.

Will make every effort to ensure that Aena Club service does not suffer disruptions, but it cannot guarantee the absence of technological failures, or the permanent availability of the Portal and the services contained therein, and consequently, does not assume any responsibility for the damages that may arise due to a lack of

  • availability and due to access failures caused by disconnections, faults, overloading or network failures not attributable to Aena.
  • does not guarantee the absence of viruses or any other elements that may alter your computer system. Aena excludes any liability for damages of any nature arising from such viruses or harmful elements.
  • Aena is not liable for subscriptions completed by children under 18 years old, or for the damage caused to third parties, or the minor themselves, for violating the applicable legislation or these General Terms and Conditions of the service. We recommend that parental control mechanisms be activated on devices used by children under 18 years old.

All the information displayed (for example, and for no exhaustive purpose, information relating to flight schedules, tenders, aeronautical information, maps, job offers, etc.) are for information purposes only. The information provided is not necessarily exhaustive, complete, accurate or up-to-date. In the case of tenders and legal texts, the exact reproduction of the officially adopted text is not guaranteed. Only texts published in the printed editions of the corresponding official bulletins or in the press are considered authentic.

The information provided by Aena is of a general nature and does not entail any professional or legal advice.

10. Ownership and communications

All communications made between Aena and the member or partner of Aena Club will be valid through www.aena.es; SMS; Push Notifications; e-mail; telephone; Aena Care Centre and/or letter.

11. Modification of these conditions and warnings

Aena reserves the right to modify the conditions and warnings applicable to these General Terms and Conditions. Aena may modify these terms and conditions by informing members, a requirement that both parties specifically agree is met by the publication of variations through the Aena website www.aena.es, or through Aena Club or any other Aena point of communication.

If the member does not agree, their subscription will be cancelled in accordance with the provisions of the Membership Cancellation section.

12. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions implies the knowledge and approval of the legal warnings expressed here and, in particular, that any conflicts related to this website will be governed exclusively by Spanish law, of which only the Spanish Courts and Tribunals have relevant authority.